Susie has always been captivated by the vast potential of the human body, mind and spirit. At age thirteen, she began self-studying world religions by gobbling up as many books as she could on the topic. She would go on to graduate with a degree in Comparative Religion from Miami University, Oxford, OH because she wanted to know how religion influenced and motivated individuals as well as cultures.
She co-founded a life-coaching company, ikigai (a Japanese word meaning "that which makes life most worth living") to help others seek out their own potential. Here she co-taught workshops to help professionals of all backgrounds clarify and pursue their life goals. It was through this process of leading others that she discovered her own purpose—to help individuals find confidence and strength through fitness and healthy living.
As a result, in 2010, she founded studio s, a boutique-style fitness facility offering personal training, Spinning™, Pilates, and marathon-training groups. From the beginning, Susie's intention was to make studio s more than a gym. From programs rooted in the community, to classes infused with philosophical elements, studio s is an incubator for others to find and be supported in pursuing their passions.
Susie continues to help bring people closer to their personal and physical goals through one-on-one interactions during personal training, teaching a Spinning™ class, or coaching a new runner. She delights daily in the opportunity to combine her experience in life-coaching with her passion for physical movement.
In addition to studio s, she has gone in search of her own potential by participating in many marathons/triathlons, completing IRONMAN, running 50-mile ultra-marathons, completing a multi-day stage race over the Rocky Mountains and traveling the globe. In 2017, she ran six mountain ultra-marathons, on five continents in just eight weeks. Each event or adventure teaches her more about herself, the people in her life, and the universe.